How A Toddler Can Get Over Dog Fear

By Jonathan A Bearclaw

I would like to find out if a canine repellent could help my nephew defeat his dread of dogs. Soon after hearing even the slightest sound of a canine, Johnny halts thus I understand the severity of his own fear. Blame that on his own traumatic experience of viewing his own father being assaulted by a hostile canine while he was three years old.

I consulted a psychologist pal to inquire if it was possible for Johnny to conquer this fright. He was the one who had recommended that making use of non-fatal animal spray might come in handy. He mentioned Johnny could at first bear witness to fending off dogs making use of one.

Defense sprays confuses a dog by dulling their own sense of smell and inducing serious pain. Their side effects are momentary, and cause absolutely no permanent damage. These are likewise safe to utilize on people.

Even though dog sprays have an effective distance of up to ten feet, Johnny might be very uncomfortable getting extremely close to the action. His own mommy recommended that her own boy be within the automobile and observe from there.

At 8, my very own nephew remains to be a little child, though he insists he is not. We explained the experiment, stating this was for his safety to understand how to defend himself towards this kind of danger. Besides, he did not have to be near a canine.

We drove to a spot known to be a hangout of dogs, several of which can wind up being hostile as soon as they sense threat. I approached them, having a bat within my own hand so as to present possible aggressiveness.

The Mace canine repellent is a 17-gram container that has a flip top security top to avoid unintentional release. I went up to the canines. One revealed its fangs as well as growled. Ensuring Johnny had a great visual, I sprayed from about eight feet away.

The dogs yelped, tried scrubbing their eyes, and also fully forgot about me. The canine repellent worked. And we hope we have made a certain amount of progress to be able to make Johnny realize there is a way for him to give protection to himself versus canine assaults.

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