The Many Advantages Of Psych-K

By Marcie Goodman

Psych-K is used to deal with limiting subconscious beliefs. It has been in existence for many years and is a result of years of research and practical experience in sessions with individuals and groups. Changing subconscious beliefs that can sabotage your conscious goals is similar to reprogramming a personal computer. The processes used operate like a kind of keyboard whereby you can access your subconscious, changing beliefs quickly and creating permanent change.

This process is a synthesis of ancient and contemporary wisdom. While it shares certain characteristics with other methods, it is unique in many ways. It depends largely on the desire of the individual for change and honors his or her power to make these changes. Change does not depend on the individual having insight into the limiting belief. These processes can be practiced with a trained facilitator or alone.

Ancient wisdom saw human beings as part of a whole and power coming from collaboration between them. Modern industrialized culture has led to a loss of this feeling of interconnectedness and instead there is a dangerous mindset of survival of the fittest. We need to cultivate a mindset that fosters a sense of common purpose, security and abundance rather than fear.

The principles operating in nature like diversity, resilience and collaboration need to be re-introduced into our lives. The more individuals begin to live with a new mindset of collaboration, the greater the benefit to mankind. Transformation occurs individual by individual until it takes place on a global scale.

It is in our subconscious mind that our emotions, thoughts, beliefs and behavior are formed. It is the storehouse of our life experiences, often set in childhood. We are driven by these beliefs and sometimes they may be in direct opposition to our conscious goals. Many self help methods deal with the conscious mind and results are limited as they stress positive thinking and will power, neglecting what can sabotage this from the subconscious level.

A key factor in making changes to the subconscious mind is the whole brain state. From a neuroscience perspective, the whole brain state makes the brain more efficient on both a conscious and subconscious level. It enhances creativity, improves problem solving and recall, improves emotional well being and enhances spiritual perception.

It is not difficult to access this state. Introductory lectures and basic workshops are held for those who are interested in making changes. Working with personal issues usually occurs in private sessions and only comes up in a workshop if a participant chooses to bring them up. A certified instructor is able to guide someone through the process in an interactive way.

Psych-K has been transformational for thousands of people, and its success over the years speaks for itself. Those who feel they are in an endless cycle of trying to deal with problems like health, relationships, finances and others without much success, may find the answers they are looking for. These mind management tools help individuals to effectively access the subconscious mind and permanently changing any self sabotaging beliefs holding them back.

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