An Overview On The Flsa Laws

By Tracie Knight

If one is going to enter the workforce, it is extremely crucial that he knows his rights as a worker so that he will be sure that he will get the right amount of salary from his employers. Now the set of laws that would protect workers from any unfair compensations or wages would be the Fair Labor Standard Act or flsa laws. Now if one is going to be an employee, then it is important that he knows some of the laws here so that he will know what his rights are.

Now this act was first drafted a Senator named Senator Hugo Black during the early thirties. However, many in the senate did not agree with his proposal of a thirty hour per week which is why they created a revised version of his draft in the year nineteen thirty eight. The new one had forty hours of work per week with overtime also compensated.

Now the first thing that one should take note while studying this law is the implementation of minimum wage. Employers are not allowed to give any regular wage below the minimum wage bracket. Also, if a worker would work overtime, then he is allowed to get extra money which would be one and a half multiplied by his regular salary.

Now in the United States, gender discrimination in the workplace was actually very common before this law was passed. Under this law, gender discrimination when it comes to compensation is illegal which means that everyone will receive what they actually deserve regardless of gender. Gone are the days when men get paid more simply because they are men.

Of course there is also the age discrimination law that would allow almost anyone of any age to work. Now according to the law, children who are physically and mentally able may work but are restricted from doing certain dangerous jobs if they are under eighteen. Now if they are under sixteen, they are not allowed to work during school hours.

Of course seniors who are looking for work are also protected under this law. The act requires businesses that have more than twenty workers to consider hiring seniors who are forty years old and above as long as they are capable. This was made so that age discrimination will not be an issue in the country anymore.

Now it is very common to see farmers or agricultural workers have wages that are lower than the minimum. Now this law would offer special protection for those who are in this sector. As long as they would register with the US Department of Labor, they are protected by this law.

Now these are only some of the laws that are found in this set as there are many more. The reason that this was done was to make sure that the workers are treated fairly by their employers. This is one way to ensure that everyone will be able to get exactly what they have actually worked for.

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