How A Tacoma Bankruptcy Law Firm Helps Stop Creditors From Calling

By Cody Rine

In today's economic uncertainty, financial security is no longer something that is guaranteed. Even after years of working hard and saving money, people still find themselves with unmanageable debt, and need to file bankruptcy. A Bankruptcy Attorney Tacoma Law Firm has helped many clients do just that, discharging millions of dollars of debt.

A Tacoma attorney can explain to you the two options available to you: Chapter 7 and Chapter 13. A Chapter 7 requires that you pass a Means Test of your income and assets, and can discharge unpaid personal loans, medical and utility bills, and credit cards.

If you aren't eligible for a Chapter 7, a Chapter 13 may be better for you. It allows you to make repayments over the course of 3 to 5 years, according to a plan that is set by the court. Your creditors can't call you during this time. Once it's over, all debts such as car loans, mortgage repayments and taxes are settled.

If you find yourself unable to keep up with your mortgage repayments, medical bills, student loan, or credit card payments, don't give up; there is an answer. There's no need to feel ashamed about your situation, as many others are going through the exact same thing.

Your financial situation is evaluated by the law firm, who can offer you the right advice. They will guide you into making the best decision for your situation, and will organize a suitable payment plan for the attorney fees, which do not need to be paid in full before your case has been filed.

A Tacoma bankruptcy attorney is happy to answer all questions you have regarding your options as they guide you throughout the entire process. The debt relief agency can help you find solutions to your debt problems and help relieve your stress, so you can begin the process that will start you on your path to financial freedom.

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