The Value Of Online PTSD Counseling

By Mayra Pierce

People who undergo traumatic experiences often suffer for afterwards. Reactions like sleeplessness, reliving an event, nightmares and jittery nerves are often experienced. If these symptoms do not go away or get worse over time, the person is likely to have PTSD (Post Traumatic Shock Disorder). Online ptsd counseling is one of the ways these people can receive the therapy they need.

Sexual or physical abuse, combat exposure, terrorist attack, assault, serious accidents and experiencing a natural disaster like a flood or earthquake are all events that can give rise to this disorder. Most people experience severe reactions for a time after such an event. However, not everybody develops the disorder.

There are four main types of symptoms that indicate the person may have this disorder. One of these is that the event is relived again and again. Bad memories and nightmares are common. Avoidance is another symptom. Sufferers do not want to talk or think about the experience and even keep away from people or situations that could bring back traumatic memories. The person experiences negative feelings and beliefs such as fear, guilt and shame and often become disinterested in doing anything that was enjoyed in the past. Feeling jittery and always on the alert is another symptom.

When these symptoms are not addressed, individuals often suffer severe depression and anxiety, giving in to feelings of hopelessness. They may drink or take drugs to try and cope. Very often their work and relationships suffer as a result. Help is needed sooner rather than later to help people with this disorder move on.

A counselor must have the right credentials and experience to deal with a problem of this nature. Many individuals have practical difficulties when it comes to going to therapy such as living some distance away from any treatment center, being unable to drive and even having a problem with having to sit in a waiting room and end up face-to-face with a therapist. This is where an online treatment center may be the answer.

Programs are all different and when choosing one, reading reviews written by other sufferers can be helpful. This can give a good indication of whether a particular program has been found to be therapeutic and even which counselors are most trusted. Finding out what type of therapy is offered, length and costs involved are necessary before making a choice.

A program where a therapist is available on a daily basis for consultation is often best. This is preferable to having to make appointments and only seeing one once a week. Chatting with the therapist and going through carefully structured worksheets is often the way these programs are structured. Progress is consistently checked and having access to forums and blogs is another helpful aspect. Most programs state clearly that any information given remains confidential.

Practical problems such as lack of transport and mental problems such as fear of face-to-face contact may stand in the way of such sufferers getting the help they need. The internet can provide a solution in cases like this and offers an easy way to get a sense of what is being offered, costs involved and other such details. Registration is usually simple and once payment is made, treatment can begin.

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