If you have legal questions after a car accident, it might be tempting to rely on the internet for answers. For example, the internet will readily tell you that New York is a No Fault state, which means that you can only make a claim from your own insurance company unless the injury is "serious." It will even give you a brief definition of "serious." What you really need is advice from an accident attorney Brooklyn residents trust.
Only a qualified lawyer has the experience and knowledge to determine if your case is a strong one. Lawyers are familiar with the area of law that covers moving vehicle accidents. During your initial consultation, a lawyer will review the facts and weigh the possible outcomes to decide whether to accept or decline the case.
Most of these legal professionals offer a complimentary consultation. They do not accept any legal fees from you unless they accept your case and the case is settled in your favor. This is known as working on contingency.
It is important to get legal advice right away, because you only have three years after the accident to file a suit. This might seem like a long time, but in legal terms it is very short - it can take almost that much time to prepare a case, gather the required paperwork and get a court date.
In many cases, the lawyer successfully negotiates a settlement that is satisfactory to both sides. When this happens, you avoid having to go to court to receive compensation. Having an experienced lawyer to protect your legal rights lets the other part know you are serious about the case.
You are responsible for making sure your insurance policy meets the requirements set forth by the state of New York. Even if you have insurance, you need to hire a professional to defend your legal rights. This will ensure you receive the maximum compensation allowed by law.
Only a qualified lawyer has the experience and knowledge to determine if your case is a strong one. Lawyers are familiar with the area of law that covers moving vehicle accidents. During your initial consultation, a lawyer will review the facts and weigh the possible outcomes to decide whether to accept or decline the case.
Most of these legal professionals offer a complimentary consultation. They do not accept any legal fees from you unless they accept your case and the case is settled in your favor. This is known as working on contingency.
It is important to get legal advice right away, because you only have three years after the accident to file a suit. This might seem like a long time, but in legal terms it is very short - it can take almost that much time to prepare a case, gather the required paperwork and get a court date.
In many cases, the lawyer successfully negotiates a settlement that is satisfactory to both sides. When this happens, you avoid having to go to court to receive compensation. Having an experienced lawyer to protect your legal rights lets the other part know you are serious about the case.
You are responsible for making sure your insurance policy meets the requirements set forth by the state of New York. Even if you have insurance, you need to hire a professional to defend your legal rights. This will ensure you receive the maximum compensation allowed by law.
About the Author:
A serious injury can be a traumatic event in the victim's life. To hire a verified accident attorney Brooklyn clients can refer to http://frankellawfirm.com/.
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