In case you are being dunned for felonious credit card among other bills, you may feel frightened by the collection firms and not sure of the repayment process. The last thing you should do is to try to avoid these agencies. Avoiding their calls or simply changing your location to avoid them may lead to more serious problem. Below are things that a Herkimer NY Bankruptcy Attorney recommends to ensure good relationship with debt collection agents.
The first thing you should do is to make sure that you stop the harassment before it start by making sure that you pay the important bills first not overlooking the other bills because they are not important. You should try and call the creditors and explain why you are late and explain why you want to pay and give them and idea of when you will make the payment.
Before the creditors hire someone to collect the money owed, it will be a good thing if you could talk to them. This will save you the trouble of working with harassing agents that may make your life a living hell.
You should send letters to your creditors telling them not to continue contacting you. The law prohibits creditors from calling you after you have notified them in writing that you do not want them to call you. Telling these creditors to avoid contacting you will ensure you enjoy peace of mind and thus able to come up with a good payment plan.
When you sent them a letter and they do not stop calling you, you should then ask you lawyer to set them a letter on his legal stationary. This why, they will have to communicate to the lawyer when they find out that you are represented by a lawyer.
Another important thing is to set a good payment plan. It is very crucial that you consult with the creditors and let them see you have a reasonable plan for your debts. Remember to stick to affordable amount of money in order to make the entire process easy. Some of the creditors may offer you less interest rates for the money owed. You should negotiate the ongoing loan and you will be amazed to understand they can do some interest rate reduction.
Raise your concerns in case you come across any mistake on the letters. Some collection letters may have some mistakes. You might realize that the amount due is not correct, the provided account number is not correct or you should not be the recipient of the bill issued. You have the right to dispute any letter that is incorrectly written.
You can also file for bankruptcy which makes the court to immediately issue a report stopping any further collections from the creditors, government agencies and collectors. When you have that, the only way a collector can move forward with the collection is by betting permission from the bankruptcy court. You should ensure that you get the knowledge of a bankruptcy lawyer because many courts proceedings may affect how and when you should proceed.
The first thing you should do is to make sure that you stop the harassment before it start by making sure that you pay the important bills first not overlooking the other bills because they are not important. You should try and call the creditors and explain why you are late and explain why you want to pay and give them and idea of when you will make the payment.
Before the creditors hire someone to collect the money owed, it will be a good thing if you could talk to them. This will save you the trouble of working with harassing agents that may make your life a living hell.
You should send letters to your creditors telling them not to continue contacting you. The law prohibits creditors from calling you after you have notified them in writing that you do not want them to call you. Telling these creditors to avoid contacting you will ensure you enjoy peace of mind and thus able to come up with a good payment plan.
When you sent them a letter and they do not stop calling you, you should then ask you lawyer to set them a letter on his legal stationary. This why, they will have to communicate to the lawyer when they find out that you are represented by a lawyer.
Another important thing is to set a good payment plan. It is very crucial that you consult with the creditors and let them see you have a reasonable plan for your debts. Remember to stick to affordable amount of money in order to make the entire process easy. Some of the creditors may offer you less interest rates for the money owed. You should negotiate the ongoing loan and you will be amazed to understand they can do some interest rate reduction.
Raise your concerns in case you come across any mistake on the letters. Some collection letters may have some mistakes. You might realize that the amount due is not correct, the provided account number is not correct or you should not be the recipient of the bill issued. You have the right to dispute any letter that is incorrectly written.
You can also file for bankruptcy which makes the court to immediately issue a report stopping any further collections from the creditors, government agencies and collectors. When you have that, the only way a collector can move forward with the collection is by betting permission from the bankruptcy court. You should ensure that you get the knowledge of a bankruptcy lawyer because many courts proceedings may affect how and when you should proceed.
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