What Exactly Does A Civil Litigation Attorney Do

By William Snyder

There are a lot of people who think lawyers are interchangeable. It has never occurred to them that lawyers are like doctors. They have specialties. The one you hire to handle your divorce should not be the same one you would use to represent you in a murder case. It's important to understand the difference. If you need a lawyer when you get involved in a dispute regarding something like personal injury, alimony, or discrimination, you need to contact an experienced civil litigation attorney.

One of the first things a litigator will do is meet with you and get all the facts, including documentation, of the case. Before she advises you on the next step, she will have to determine whether or not there is sufficient cause to bring a suit. This can involve finding witnesses and getting their stories, researching additional documentation, and investigating the information you and the witnesses provided.

Most cases never go to court. They are settled before it ever gets to that point. One of the first things your lawyer will do is encourage you to make a serious attempt to resolve the dispute privately. If this isn't an option, she will begin the process of drafting motions and pleadings. You will have a chance to give your input on motions like dismissal and venue change.

The period of discovery is a time when your lawyer should begin the exchange of information between the two parties. There may be depositions and requests for the other side to produce any evidence it intends to admit. This is the time she will examine the accident site, if relevant, and collect evidence. Motions related to the discovery process will be drafted at this time. During discovery the attorney has a chance to assess the relevant issues and begin to formulate an effective strategy.

Right before the trial starts, your lawyer will be busy meeting with expert witnesses and attending any relevant pre-trial meetings. You will be advised of everything that is going on. The evidence and information she obtained during the discovery phase will allow her to develop a comprehensive strategy for the case.

Throughout most of this time, your lawyer will have been talking with the other side trying to get them to settle the case outside court. If this doesn't work, the case will go forward. At this point, the lawyers will meet with trial experts to pick the most sympathetic jury. Your lawyers will be constantly assessing the chosen strategy and refining it.

Your lawyer will represent you even if the case doesn't go to trial. If the parties involved can agree to sit down and discuss a settlement, she will work for you to come to a satisfactory agreement. All necessary legal documentation will be handled between attorneys.

If you find yourself in a legal mess, you need a good lawyer. You also need one with the right kind of experience and expertise. You have to choose carefully because the outcome can affect your life.

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