DWI Attorney New City NY Describes Possible Repercussions Of Drunk Driving

By Donna Sanders

Getting behind the wheel while intoxicated is a traffic violation that is not taken lightly. Those convicted of the offense suffer lasting effect because a violation carries severe criminal penalties. Additionally, you may have to battle with costly lawsuits in case of personal injury or damaged property. When searching for a reliable DWI attorney New City NY is an excellent place to start your research.

If you have been issued a New York drivers license, it remains crucial to have a good understanding of the possible repercussions of getting behind the wheel while intoxicated. To begin with, you could face criminal charges. Within New York, those convicted of drunk driving automatically get their driving privileges suspended for six months. Depending on the nature of your case, you risk spending a year in jail and paying a fine that does not exceed $2,500.

A second violation before ten years have gone by would leave you facing class E felony charges. Such charges can tag along a sentence of four years in jail, suspension of your license for a year and a $5,000 fine. In case you face additional charges, then the fine that is imposed could increase considerably.

An aggravated DWI is when the alcohol levels in the blood of a driver exceed 0.18. If you are convicted, you must settle a fine of between 1,000-$2,500. Your license will also be suspended for a year or more and you also face the risk of serving a prison sentence of up to one year.

An out of state DUI conviction would also leave you in the hot pot. Your New York drivers license will be suspended for about 90 days or more depending on the kind of charges that are made against you. If you get convicted and you have not attained 21 years of age, then your license is likely to be cancelled for about one year.

How your matter will end may depend highly on how it unfolds right from the beginning. As a motorist with a New York issued drivers license, you owe yourself the favor of knowing the rights you are allowed to exercise once you are pulled over during a traffic stop. The most important thing you should do is to pull over once you see the headlights of the police behind you. The last thing you want is to also be charged with evading arrest.

You must remain cooperative and courteous, though you must not answer any questions asked by the officer. It is not an offense to refuse answering trick questions and you can simply say that you decline to answer. Additionally, do not give consent for the office to search your car simply because you have nothing to hide.

One sure way of putting yourself between a wall and a hard place is to agree to take a roadside sobriety test. It is better to get arrested and call your attorney than to take the tests. Once your attorney comes to your aid, he or she will know how to handle the matter in order to give you the best chances of enjoying a favorable outcome.

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