Naturalization, How To Become A U. S. Citizen

By Jose Young

Applying for a U. S. Citizenship is not easy as how you think it is. Naturalization is what an immigrant has to undergo to in order to become a citizen of the United States. Naturalization Tucson would have the same process just like any application, no need to panic and questions is the same process has to be experienced.

For residents who were able to spend the required number of years in the states and were able to meet all requirements for the citizenship, the very first step is filling the N400 form. Remember, you should fill this out correctly and all fields must be complete. Making sure that all the necessary field are inputted correctly will take out the risk of having mistakes.

Who are eligible to apply through naturalization. Eligibility will depend on how long do you already have your green card, been physically living in the U. S., and or has served in the military. If you have served, it is also checked what time was it, the peacetime or the wartime.

A green card holder and has no special circumstances. You may apply five years after you obtained the card. You must also have physically lived in the States for thirty months at least in those five years. Married to a citizen for three years or more and has lived physically with the spouse for the entire time. Apply three years after obtaining the card.

Part 2, your eligibility. Many will check A which states that you are a permanent resident for at least five years. Asylees and refuges are allowed to credit a year or more of their asylee and refugee status for the residency. For B or C, this indicates being qualified for exceptions, letting you apply early. You just have to attach a proof of your claim.

Part 3. If you forgot the date when you became a resident, you can simply find it on the green card. Both your birth country and nationality must be the same. That can only be change in cases wherein you give up your birth country citizenship to become a resident of another.

Aside from the requirements mentioned above, there are still requirements that you need to meet. You have to be at least 18 years of age. Have not taken any kind of trips for the last six months or more outside the states during your waiting period. A resident who plans to apply for citizenship for three months at least.

Tell nothing but the truth. Never answer base on guesses. If you have any answer in which you are not confident of, finding the correct information should be done first or perhaps explain why you cannot answer their question. For answers which you think could compromise your chance of getting approved, consult with an immigration lawyer. You only tell nothing buy the truth or you could get remove from the United States permanently.

Carefully read the instructions. Not reading the instructions carefully can lead to mistakes, and you do not want that. Review. Before you submit the paper to them, review first to make sure that everything has correct information, you would not want your naturalization process to be delayed just because of one mistake.

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