Importance Of Hiring Social Security Disability Lawyer

By Nancy Phillips

You unfortunately just survived an accident which left you disabled for the rest of your life. Right now, you would want to get the benefits you are owed. The federal government has assigned Social Security with managing the OASDI which means old age, survivors, and disability insurance. However, it sometimes happen when your claim is not approved. To avoid this, you call the Oregon Social Security disability lawyer to help you in processing your claims.

The Social Security Administration, or SSA, has many qualifications for eligibility. They require updated medical records and other related supporting documents from you. They will inspect your documents to ensure that you really cannot work anymore to provide for yourself and your family.

This gets a bit tricky and difficult onwards. The officials who will review your documents will sometimes conclude that the disability does not affect your capability in continuing work. Their decision will be in the form of a rejection letter that will be sent to you for your knowledge. It will naturally leave you devastated when you find out their decision.

Their reasons vary but in essence, it comes down to that thought. This makes claiming your disability benefits a long, hard, and complex process. This is the main reason why lawyers can increase your chances in getting them. They can thoroughly review your application and other paperwork to ensure accuracy and proficiency. It also helps that they have your back as your representative during hearings.

They will make sure that your medical records are complete, sufficient, and substantial. They are going to ask for the cooperation and help of your physician. That way, he is able to write an explanation letter citing how your condition has an impact on your life, whether in social gatherings or work responsibilities.

A copy of your company job specification and description will also be asked by your lawyers. It will let inform the SSA in regards to the nature of the work you are handling. That way, they will understand more about your predicament and be swayed in your favor.

All records are ensured to be correct to avoid any errors. As a result, you have avoided any delays and corrections in your paperwork. You also avoided incurring additional costs for the restructuring the documents. This will let you submit all of them before the set deadline.

They are experienced enough to understand the proceedings and dealings within SSA. It is their job to ensure that you will get that claim at the end of the tedious process. In the event that it is rejected, then they will help you file an appeal to counter their reasons for rejection. They are able to help you in reviewing their letter and find reasons within it that can be used in the hearing.

Written and made by your lawyers, your appeal letter is submitted along with the evidence you gathered. They created the letter with the intention to gain the understanding of SSA officials and their sympathy. With the evidence, they can make a feasible decision that retracted their initial decision. In effect, you just gained their approval for your disability benefits claim.

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