Reputable DWI Attorney Elizabeth City NC Describes Common Fables About Getting Sober

By Henry Thompson

After a few hours of drinking, the sole way to get sober is to wait for the alcohol in your system to be processed and flushed out. If you choose to believe urban legends and myths, this is likely earn you drunk driving charges if you are lucky not to get into a fatal accident. In order to ensure your safety and that of other road users, you need to differentiate what works from what does not work when alleviating the effects of alcohol. If you need the expertise of a seasoned DWI attorney Elizabeth City NC is a good place to begin your research.

A common myth that you must not believe is that drinking caffeine can make you sober in minutes. Well, coffee or any other energy drinks can make you more alert, though this does not mean that your body will metabolize the alcohol faster. In fact, drinking coffee when you are high on alcohol is dangerous and it could make you overestimate your ability to drive safely.

Eating will also not reduce the amount of alcohol in your body. Eating carbohydrates can indeed slow down the process of alcohol getting metabolized, though eating when you are high will not change anything. In fact, breadsticks coupled with a drink can legally impair you for a while.

It is important to keep your body hydrated at all times, especially if you intend to go on a drinking spree or you have been drinking. Water will ensure you do not throw up because your system is dehydrated. However, it will not counteract the impact of the alcohol in your body. After drinking some water, you may feel as though you are processing fluids quickly, though this will not change the pace at which alcohol is metabolized within your body.

The body needs about one hour to process an ounce of alcohol. This is irrespective of whether you remain singing, dancing, standing or doing other related activities. In short, taking a short nap will not speed up the speed at which your body processes alcohol.

Now that you can differentiate facts from myths, do not make the mistake of drinking and driving. If you really need two for the road, find a designated driver who will not drink. You can also consider the convenience of taking a taxi to drop you at your doorstep. If you are accused of driving while intoxicated, here are important steps you should take to ensure that the best outcome is achieved.

It is in your best interests not to answer any questions that are asked by the police office. After identifying yourself and producing your license and registration, politely refuse to answer any other questions and ask whether you can go. If the officer asks you to take a sobriety test, you must again politely turn down the offer.

Things can quickly go south if your drunkenness is evident. In case an arrest is made, maintain your silence and call your attorney. The specialist will evaluate your case and create the best strategy to fight the charges you are facing. In order to protect your best interests and your rights, an attorney can even choose to challenge the evidence presented by the officers.

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