One Can Get Free Legal Advise In Marion IL From Various Sources

By Amy Roberts

Everybody is subject to numerous laws. In fact, almost every aspect of life is governed by laws. Unfortunately most people do not fully understand all the laws applicable to them and they often do not know what to do and what their rights are when they experience problems related to the law. Lawyers are expensive, however. Thankfully, free legal advise in Marion IL is available from various sources.

It is especially poor people and people from disadvantaged groups that so often suffer from injustice because they do not have access to advice. They are fired from their jobs unfairly, they are evicted from their home illegally and they fall foul to unscrupulous lenders, to name just a few examples. They have nowhere to go for help. They are helpless and in the big scheme of things they never get justice.

All citizens have certain unalienable rights. One of those rights is the right to an attorney when accused of committing a criminal offence. This right does not apply to civil matters, only when the state prosecutes an individual. Lawyers for those that cannot afford to pay for one are appointed by the state. Unfortunately, most of them have extremely heavy case loads and they cannot spend their full attention on just one case.

Many universities that train lawyers also offer clinics where anyone can get free advice from senior law students under supervision of an experienced lawyer or professor. These clinics are often found at shelters for the homeless, at old age homes and at other places catering for the very poor. In most cases one can only get advice at these clinics, not action.

Most of the big law firms also offer free services as part of their social responsibility programs. Such programs are designed to give back to the community and to perform services on a pro bono basis. These services are limited but it will certainly be worth it to make enquiries at the big firms in this regard. Social workers can often point people in the right direction.

There are many instances where lawyers will take on cases on a commission basis. Personal injury cases and many class action cases do not involve any payment from the complainant if a satisfactory result is not obtained from the court. In such cases lawyers will take up to 50 per cent of the money awarded to their clients. There have been cases with millions of dollars awarded to claimants.

Lawyers are not the only ones qualified to give advice regarding the law. A social worker, for example, can explain the laws related to families and children. A policeman can help with information about domestic violence and the laws regarding other crimes. Advice from these professionals is always free and they can often refer those in trouble to professionals that may help them resolve their problems.

It is lamentable that so many people suffer injustices just because they do not have the money to hire lawyers. Much more needs to be done to make justice accessible to all and sundry, especially to those most vulnerable to abuse. One can only hope that social change will become a bigger priority in the future.

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