Experts In Criminal Law New City NY

By Ann Butler

Whenever you find yourself facing criminal charges, it is always a good idea you look for the most qualified defense lawyer to represent you. This is because you do not want to spend years in jail. Similarly, you do not want your record tainted by a conviction. Since there are many competent lawyers in the city who can represent you, it is crucial you compare all the lawyers specializing in criminal law New City NY. This will ensure you get the best legal representation.

As you may already know, there are many types of criminal cases a person may face. There are drug offenses, sexual offenses, assault, capital offenses and white collar offenses among others. Depending on the type of case you may be facing, be sure to look for a lawyer with a proven track record of effectively representing clients in similar cases.

If you have been charged with tax evasion, it is crucial you look for an attorney who has been handling white collar criminal cases. The ideal lawyer must have handled hundreds, if not thousands of tax evasion cases in the past. This is crucial because you want to hire someone who knows all the best defenses to use, how these cases are conducted as well as the expectations of the court.

The most experienced lawyers deserve to be given special consideration. This is because you are looking for a competent lawyer with a proven track record. The number of cases a lawyer has handled, therefore, must be looked into before a decision can be made.

You have to compare the success rates of the shortlisted lawyers. This is because you want to be represented by a lawyer who has won the vast majority of cases they handled in the past. As you check the number of similar cases a lawyer has handled in the past, be sure to also check the number of cases they won. You want a lawyer with over 80 percent success rate.

The reputation of a lawyer is a key factor of consideration. You are looking for a lawyer who is known for effectively representing their clients. You want a trusted and reliable lawyer with a proven track record. Therefore, you have to read reviews, check ratings and go through testimonials before committing yourself.

The legal fees charged by different lawyers must be considered. You are looking for the most affordable lawyer you can find because of your limited resources. You are also searching for a competent professional to represent you. Therefore, you have to be careful when conducting your research. You must balance between quality of service and affordability to get the best outcomes.

Criminal charges usually come with serious penalties. Depending on the nature and severity of the offense, you can be sentenced to months, years, decades or life in prison. In fact, you may be sentenced to death. In addition to these sentences, your record will be tainted. Furthermore, you may be ordered to pay a huge fine. To ensure you do not get convicted, be sure to hire a competent lawyer.

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