How To Hire A Bail Bondsman La Habra

By Roger Morris

In Orange County, CA when someone is arrested, it is common to rely on the services of a bail agency. Working with law enforcement alone and jail personnel can be frustrating. Getting someone out of jail early before a trial starts is the purpose of the surety company. To locate a top bail bondsman La Habra agency, there are some things to understand first.

Finding a professional that knows bonds is essential. It is not uncommon for someone to get arrested in the middle of the night after local companies have already closed. To have the most options, a company that provides 24-hour services is always better. It can be scary for someone to be incarcerated on the weekend, and be forced to wait until the following Monday for arraignment to be processed.

There is more than one jail in Orange County. Each one of them undertakes a different booking process. Some of the jails can release a person after just a few hours after booking while others can hold a person for up to two days. When selecting a company that provides a surety contract, ensuring that the agency works with all of the local jails is important.

Every company in the state of California that offers financial guarantees to the court for bond purposes must be licensed. Each agency must carry a minimum amount of liability insurance as required by state law. When doing research on a company, it can be helpful to contact the CA Department of Insurance to double-check if the agency is currently insured.

For a release contract to be valid, it must be signed by an adult in person to allow someone to be released from jail early. The signatory to the agreement must be an adult or it will be considered invalid. Not all agencies will send their personnel to handle the document signing process outside of their office. The top agencies will always meet with a signatory in person to complete the agreement.

A monetary sum has to be paid to bondsmen once a contract is signed in addition to regular service fees. In order to process a successful release, all fees have to be paid in advance. Because pricing is very different between businesses, it is possible that several companies will have fluctuations in prices. When choosing a bail bondsman La Habra agency, it is always good to ask if credit cards are accepted rather than paying in cash.

Since bail bond companies in California cannot solicit business directly, it can be more difficult to locate a quality company. Better agencies come by way of a referral from a law firm, prosecutor or from reliable and accurate reviews online. The most respected professionals almost always have referrals from previous satisfied clients.

After money is paid to the court and someone is released from a jail, a bond agreement might expire prior to a scheduled trial. There are agencies that have a time limit on a bail contract. A CA bond specialist that does not charge an annual fee might be the safer choice to make. Before hiring any agent, reviewing all policies regarding bail length can be helpful.

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